Insurance Insecurity Index

Despite significant declines in the number of Americans without health insurance over the past decade, there are still approximately 26 million without any coverage. ASSURANCE carried out a study of County Health Rankings data to determine which areas of America have the largest number of people who are uninsured, and are in poor health. The results are as follows.

% Poor Health Average Number of Physically Unhealthy Day Uninsured (Population) % Uninsured Uninsured with Poor Health (Population)

RankingState% Poor HealthAverage Number of Physically Unhealthy DaysUninsured (Population)% UninsuredUninsured with Poor Health (Population)
26 Rhode Island 17 3.9 40,378 5 6,864
27 Alaska 16 4.1 88,519 14 14,163
28 Illinois 16 3.6 853,809 8 136,609
29 Kansas 16 3.6 241,000 10 38,560
30 New York 16 3.6 1,007,242 6 161,159
31 Delaware 16 3.7 51,804 7 8,289
32 New Jersey 16 3.7 642,184 9 102,749
33 Idaho 15 3.7 190,472 13 28,571
34 Wyoming 15 3.5 58,689 12 8,803
35 Hawaii 15 3.2 53,377 5 8,007
36 Maryland 15 3.4 346,367 7 51,955
37 Utah 15 3.5 288,573 10 43,286
38 Washington 15 3.7 469,557 7 70,434
39 Wisconsin 15 3.7 306,773 7 46,016
40 Colorado 14 3.3 419,456 9 58,724
41 Massachusetts 14 3.5 182,533 3 25,555
42 Montana 14 3.6 86,396 10 12,095
43 North Dakota 14 3.2 50,455 8 7,064
44 Nebraska 14 3.2 149,728 9 20,962
45 Minnesota 13 3.1 238,150 5 30,960
46 Connecticut 13 3.3 178,690 6 23,230
47 Iowa 13 3.1 142,584 6 18,536
48 New Hampshire 13 3.5 76,244 7 9,912
49 Vermont 13 3.7 23,522 5 3,058
50 South Dakota 13 3 80,090 11 10,412

Data based on County Health Rankings 2021.